Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

R&R and Back

I am just a couple days away from it being a month since my last post. I started my trip home on R&R on Friday, March 11th,arrived in Columbus on Sunday the 13th, and finally made my way back to the Embassy Compound on Friday, 1 April. The travel, as anticipated, was pretty painful but worth every second at home. As much as I have photo-documented my time in Iraq, you would think I would have a picture of the reunion but some moments just have to be lived. The priority was getting those first hugs, not a picture. I know that I, in particular, am a sucker for a reunion scene at the airport but I am pretty confident that we caused a few tissues to be pulled from pockets and purses. Thanks to Skype, I have watched teeth come in, hair grow, get cut and grow again, so it was not shocking to see the kids- just wonderful! I got a second greeting and balloon bouquet from Lisa and the Jones' kids outside of security- it was a great homecoming!

I ditched the uniform as soon as I was home and enjoyed a few shopping trips and being in civilian clothes until the morning of my return. Unexpectedly, for the first few days, my feet ached as I slipped into my "normal" flats and flip-flops. It seems that my feet have grown accustomed to my very supportive combat boots. But other than that, I really settled right in at home. Admittedly, I was relieved of most domestic duties in the spirit of it being my vacation. Good thing since I struggled to find my way around the kitchen! So the "settled in" refers more to just how nice and natural it was to be at home and in the rhythm of the kids' school schedule that first week.

A particular highlight was getting to go to Amelia's Third Grade Wax Museum where she came to life as Wilbur Wright with a ring of a bell. She attacked the preparation and performance with her typical abundance of enthusiasm, I am so glad I did not miss it! For Noah, I was a day late in seeing him receive a gold and silver medal for his particular events in the Science Olympiad. That was a bummer but I got a great review and am so impressed with his accomplishments. Adam, with amazing support from his Mom and Tom, and a cast of special friends, has clearly made the best of our situation and has all well under control. I will not be volunteering to extend, but honestly, I could not be prouder or more appreciative of how well all have managed on the home front.

On Saturday the 19th we hopped on a direct flight for Cancun and enjoyed a week at our annual destination of Akumal on the Riviera Maya. Akumal is a sleepy village compared to many vacation spots around, and south of, Cancun but I love it for the long relaxing days, blue skies, fabulous fish tacos, and bit of a rough edge in the form of potholes,dusty roads and roadside food carts. Of course, all that was enjoyed from the luxury of our six bedroom villa with a dreamy pool at ocean's edge so we were certainly not roughing it. We all enjoyed time in hammocks and the kids made great use of the pool throughout the week. The kids saw a record (for us) six sea turtles when they went snorkeling in the bay on our first day. As was the case much of the week, I settled in under the shade of a palm tree, wiggled my toes in the sand and relaxed as they hit the water. Guided by Adam, I was fondly reminded of the school scene in Finding Nemo, only he returned all six of his students safely home at the end of a very successful snorkel excursion. Lots of smiles as they all reported on their sightings. The rest of the week went just as well, with the small exception of a fishing trip where no fish were caught. But Adam and I made one quick trip to the locals' fish store and we had dinner as planned!

We returned home on Saturday afternoon and I was able to enjoy a few more days at home before departing on Tuesday morning. Time with Adam, Noah, Amelia, family and friends was a wonderful reminder of all I have to look forward to in August. I am really touched and want to say thanks for all the efforts to make my welcome home special; from gatherings of friends, dinners, yellow ribbons, plates of cookies and a platter of brownies- all very sweet and appreciated. Thank you! Some visits were too quick, and conversations too short, as I tried to catch up with so many. I will be happy to settle back at home and make the most of the time I will have upon my demobilization and return to Columbus.

Of course the highlight of my R&R was my time at home but I had a special experience worth sharing on my way home and my way back. On the way home I spent one night in a "transient quarters" tent in Kuwait. After being assigned a tent number just before midnight I collapsed into my rack that Friday night. During the night I heard the woman in the rack next to mine's phone ring. She got up and took the call outside. Really it was not much of a distraction as there are frequent loudspeaker announcements, and it is common for people to come and go at all hours in transient quarters. It is not a place to expect a restful night's sleep. Anyways, in the morning we got to chatting and it turned out my tent-mate was a Navy Captain; that middle of the night call was to tell her that the official announcement had just gone out that she had selected for Flag (Rear Admiral). She is the first Naval Reserve female from the Surface Warfare Community to make Flag. I was so excited for her, and should mention, that she gernerously took her time to mentor me before letting me know what the middle of the night call was.

On the way home, I collapsed in my rack again, but this time did not make any acquaintances... my highlight was getting to sit in the flight deck of a C-130 during my final flying leg from Kuwait to Baghdad. A very hospitable flight crew from Little Rock, AR got me on a headset and amicably answered all my questions and even let me sit at the Navigator's desk for a moment. The C-130 has been a work horse for the Air Force and it was really neat to experience a flight from the cockpit. Some like to say NAVY stands for Never Again Volunteer Yourself, I can not tell you how many neat things I would have missed out on if I subscribed to this theory. I paused for a second when our bus load was asked for a volunteer, but only to ensure someone junior might not be interested. When no one raised their hand, I was pretty thrilled for the opportunity and gladly piped up. It was a great way to end my trip.

So, I am back on the NEC and struggling a bit to adjust to the dramatic change in time zone. I am sure it will take a few days. Someone also turned on the heat while I was away. There is a clear difference in temperature and just the feel in the air- dry and hot. The thermometer was just below 100 when I walked into the DFAC for lunch today. It is a sign of things to come. And when it is 130, I will fondly remember 100. This whole experience has a way of reminding me, over and over, that all things are relative.

Much love,


p.s. Pictures from top to bottom: Amelia as Wilbur Wright, Noah chillin in the hammock, Amelia and Adam at our breakfast fav- Turtle Bay Bakery in Akumal, Noah's picture of me in Mexico, the kids: Amelia, Mimi, Noah, Manny, Willis and Ross, last leg to Baghdad in the C-130 at the Navigator's Desk.


  1. Great photos Krista! You will love using that camera. I'm bummed we didn't get a photo with you in front of the flag while you were here. Darn! Have been keeping track of the temp out there daily...looks like you won't be needing that fleece anymore. :)
    Miss you tons, XXXOOO

  2. Welcome Home-Away-From-Home, Finally feels like a Sunday with your BLOG. EVERYONE looks healthy and happy and well prepared to make it through August. WYO spring: 70 degrees one hour and snow flurries later. The bulbs have already blossomed and the second round will come soon. XOXOXOXO
