Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


I have had a good week. I am writing from my CHU, trying to get a little of this week's entry written before I, wait for it..., head to my 11am pedicure! Do I wear combat boots 93% of my awake time? Yes I do, but I am embracing all that is great about life on the NEC (New Embassy Compound) and that includes very inexpensive salon services. I can not tell you how much yet, but my roommate got her eyebrows done for $4, so I think I am in for a bargain. Today is one of my coveted half days so I will not head to work until just before two. It is really, really nice to have some downtime. I did build a schedule on excel, more commonly referred to as a "Battle Rhythm" around here and have posted it above my desk and in my CHU. I got a litte teasing from my office mates for my color shaded masterpiece- they all questioned the need since all we do is work, eat and work-out. This may be true, but my battle rhythm specifically includes M, W, Fri evening spin class, Tue/Thur/Sat pre-dinner workouts, Tue/Thur calls to Noah and Amelia before they head to school, and weekly video chats on Saturday. Plus a big shaded block shows my half day- all things to look forward to, and perhaps a sense of control, since it is MY schedule.

The steep learning curve continues but I had a few solid performances while briefing this past week. I briefed a one star general, a two star general and our incoming one star general. Whereas the first two briefs were on a specific topic, the incoming general's brief was my favorite- I was supposed to provide a very brief overview on Strategic Water but he asked me some specific questions and I really knew the answers. I surprised my boss, my coworkers and myself; definately a boost of confidence. The only person I appeared not to surprise, was Tim, the outgoing Strategic Water Officer, who has had a very generous amount of faith in me from the beginning. Tim left a couple hours after my brief but he was able to overhear while I presented; it was the perfect "final exam" to all he had taught me. I should make it clear that I have so much more to learn, and also want to mention, that I am not the one to solve the complex water issues that the Government of Iraq (GOI) faces. My position requires me to have an solid understanding of their water situation and issues, and then to coordinate with those who have the expertise to address current issues and make the best possible long term (strategic) recommendations.

A little joking around the office about what to call me started out with "water girl" and culminated with "Aquagirl" after Tim discovered that "Aquaman" has a female counterpart. So the picture above now hangs next to my name outside of my cubicle. Because my boss thought my bikini might be a bit racy- my office version wears a little skirt fabricated from a post-it note. I am embracing my new role, and title, with the hope that my efforts can help make a real difference to the people of Iraq. Why would I want to? As our outgoing two star general, MGEN Lanza, said in comments at his farewell yesterday, "I can think of 4416 reasons why..." For me, that was not only a sobering reminder of the ultimate sacrifice so many service members before me have made for this mission, but also one of the most motivating reasons to give my best.


p.s. $12 for a pedicure


  1. Hey Aquagirl! Love it! Thanks for another great post. We need a photo of those toes too. :) Pink I assume?
    The temp is going back up here so we're not too far off of Iraq....but you'll always be hotter. :)
    We're filling a box for you so let me know if you have any requests. You have until Wed.
    You're AMAZING! Love you, Lis

  2. Krista,
    Glad to hear you got "a little" downtime. A pedicure can make any day better! Take care.
    Love, Emily

  3. Krista,
    Loving reading your post every week and you rock!! Keep up the great work Aquagirl!!
    xox Katie P

  4. Love it! You are too funny. I think I'll go to CK Nails on 5th Avenue this week to get a pedicure in an act of solidarity!!
    : )
    You go Aquagirl! Chrissie

  5. Krista,
    On this historic evening, my thoughts and prayers are with you, your fellow shipmates, soldiers and airmen who remain behind.
    Keep your faith, and keep fighting the good fight!

    Rich A.

  6. Aquagirl...Wondering if you chose a pale shade of blue for your toes in keeping with your newfound role. Kids back in school and Lisa and I are trying to get back in our walk routine...(not happening as she hurt her ankle playing Mom-soccer....)have you heard about her Momageddin thing? Very impressive. I think about you daily and am sending you love, good thoughts and support as you do the remarkable! You're my Superhero Aquagirl. XOXO Dana A.

  7. Krista,

    Kyle and I read your blog together tonight. He said to tell you hello and he hopes you are doing ok. Hope you enjoyed your pedicure. Take care.

  8. I was going to comment on the Aquagirl thing, but this blog makes me feel like I'm peaking into my sister's slumber party. So I'm taking my testosterone and leaving.

    But the comment was going to be funny.

    And sexist.

    But mostly funny.

    And if the toes aren't ACU I'm not talking to you anymore.

    Stay safe.


