Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

One Month Down

If I were to summarize how this past week felt, I would have to say it felt normal. And to be able to say that here, at this time, feels like some sort of accomplishment. This normal is long work days, peppered with sporadic "duck and cover" alarms, meaning I get under my bed if I am in my CHU, or away from the windows if I am at work. With the change of operations from Operation Iraqi Freedom to Operation New Dawn, highlighted by a major ceremony with very special guests; it was expected that we would see a heightened increase of in-direct fire (IDF.) My arrival in Iraq also coincided with the beginning of Ramadan, and historically throughout the country there is an increase in IDF at that time. So kind of a double whammy. But I am well; I take every precaution and work hard to keep a keen sense of my surroundings. I am determined to fight off the complacency that inevitably can set in, but I also welcome this feeling of normalicy.

I am also fortified by my regular correspondance with Adam and the kids. Both Noah and Amelia are loving school and all the activities that fall brings. For Noah that means Grandview Youth Football and for Amelia, it means soccer, and new this year, piano lessons. In addition to sleepovers and playdates, I know they are frequently catching rides to and from school as well as practices. I have always believed in the "it takes a village" philosophy but to have so many helping out for the benefit of my family- I just want to say thank you!

Adam, Noah and Amelia celebrated "1 Month Down" with the Day family during this past week. I left behind a little red enamel recipe box, but instead of recipes, it has 12 envelopes marked with each month. I provide dessert for a monthly celebration- and this month the envelope contained a gift card for Jeni's. As I prepared for my deployment, I found great comfort brainstorming about this type of thing. It was certainly much better than thinking about leaving family and friends. So while they had Jeni's, I found my way back to the ice cream bar for a scoop of Pralines and Cream, and we all had the satisfaction of officially celebrating one month down. While I was at Camp Virginia, we were all required to enter information into a database. One of the entries was the day you arrived in theater (Persian Gulf). For me that was 6 August 2010, the day I landed in Kuwait. After entering it, the computer magically, well it felt like magic, spit out the day I leave theater. My magical date is 22 July 2011, that is based on my orders for 350 days. So while I am not a counter by day, I will gladly mark each month and keep looking forward to July 22, 2011.

Not much new to report on work, just chugging away and learning everyday. I am very short on pictures with the NEC photo restrictions but have included a shot taken on my first job related trip out of the International Zone (formerly referred to as the Green Zone.) It is not much to see, but there I am back in full battle rattle. I even managed to stick with my "Safety First" policy and get my seat belt on. No easy task in full battle rattle! Regardless of the seat belt, I have never felt safer. That trip was just one of the many times I have felt like I must be in a movie. "Surely this is not my life" is a frequent refrain that has gone through my head from my early days at Camp McCready to the present. And although there is no script, I just do my best to act the part. Security concerns prevent me from going into more detail, but at least know that I will have stories to share when I get home. And, that the security provided here is of the highest caliber- so high that I am certain even my Mom would approve!


p.s. toes are OPI kiss on the chic pink


  1. Thought it was about time for you to take a field trip. The movie scenario is OK and hope it stays in fast-action and not slo-mo. I needed battle-rattle walking to work last week as a fellow coworker just about flattened me in the parking lot. Guess it is all relative, no matter where one is located. You're looking a bit thin movie star; time for a few more carlories. XOXOXOXO p.s. It's nice to have your homecoming in the future, and I am also enjoying the moment and practicing the "Be Here Now" philosophy of life. More love to you and yours from Wonderful Wyoming

  2. Thanks for another great post! We'd love to help celebrate another month down along the way so put us in the Q. Great to see your smile and chat this morning! Loads of love, Lisa

  3. Full battle rattle AND "kiss on the toes pink" That's my girl! I showed my mom the picture of you holding your weapon last week, and she said, "oh, I think of Krista as our 'hats at the mall' girl." Then I started reading your notes about the pedicure, and she said - aha, there's my Krista! She wasn't the least bit surprised to hear how seriously you are taking your mission, though.

    Not much news here. My little guy started daycare today, as I go back to work next month and they start all new kids today. He seemed to like it. He has some delays and doesn't talk yet, but he's a very friendly little guy. I think he liked playing with all the other kids. My girls start back to school tomorrow. Katie, my eldest, is changing schools this year to join her younger sister at a local private school, where the younger one had a great preschool year last year. Katie's been a bit nervous about the change. I bet the thought of being nervous about being in first grade at a nice little private school seems funny - but as your friend above noted - it's all relative! We're thinking about you!
