Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Amelia!

Today is a really special day; it is Amelia's ninth birthday. She celebrated with a few good friends on Friday night. A themed movie night at Theater 1410 was orchestrated by Amelia and pulled off with generous help from Adam, Sharon, Tom, Lisa and Betsy. All pitched in to make it a memorable and happy birthday; BIG thanks from Baghdad! Adam sent me so many great pictures, compliments of Lisa, that I almost felt like I was there. No small feat when you think of the miles between us. I missed most of year eight but I am really looking forward to being home in time for most of nine!

Getting home now feels so within reach. If this were a race, the finish line is right around the corner. I feel a renewed energy and sense of optimism as I start to plan my last weeks and journey home. It is a bit of a process with a stop in Kuwait for a mandatory Warrior Transition Program. A cool down period of sorts, ironically in the desert heat, that starts the demobilization process. Then medical exams and administrative checks in Gulfport, Mississippi, and finally that last flight home around the 1st of August.

I have adjusted my routine a bit as the temperatures rise here. I stopped running a few weeks ago as the temperatures climbed and remained above one hundred. I am now hitting the pool for laps on my old run nights and am enjoying swimming laps with Candace on Sunday morning rather than laps around the NEC. Nice change, and relaxing as we drag it out on Sunday morning to include time on pool side loungers. There are a few palm trees around the pool so I find the illusive spot of shade and almost feel like I am somewhere else. I know this image of hanging out at the pool shatters most war zone stereotypes but that is life on the Embassy compound. There are reminders that it is still Iraq, for example cabanas are replaced with bunkers and helos buzz overhead, but it is such a welcome opportunity to get outside and escape the heat with the occasional dip in the pool. It feels great, and oh so normal. Normal is the best!

So on this special Sunday, thinking of my little girl, and looking forward to a family trip to the pool. Just around the corner!



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