Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day

As you would probably expect, we receive operational reporting for attacks throughout Iraq. When I receive them, my eyes quickly scan the report to see if the attack is being considered effective or non-effective. Effective often means someone has been hurt. And if that is the case, my next scan is to find out who- Iraqi military, Iraqi civilians or US forces. Our casualty figures are low, but still, one always feels like one too many. When the attack affects US Forces, there is an acknowledgement among colleagues but also a seemingly concerted effort not to dwell on it too long. At the time of the initial report, those hurt are unnamed, but still, you know they likely serve among friends, and certainly have loved ones at home. If they are injured you hope the injuries are not too bad, and if they were killed, for me it is an almost automatic, involuntary shake of the head. And then, I just move on to the next e-mail. I imagine, and hope, this is a measure of self protection, best not think about it too much while in Iraq.

But for me, being here brings new meaning to Memorial Day. I am serving in a theatre where fellow service members have given their life for this operation. Their sacrifice, and the sacrifices of their families, is very humbling. I am grateful for the relative safety I feel here in Iraq but with this holiday upon us, I feel a renewed desire to reflect and honor those that have died while serving their country, past and present. I want the holiday to be marked by more than a long weekend, more than getting the kids ready for, and off to our sweet Grandview Parade. I hope it can mean more to them too, but I want to communicate this without instilling fear. I hope for an acknowledgment that people have served and sacrificed for causes greater than themselves; and that is something remarkable, worth remembering, on this special day each year.

When I left last July, I was really touched by all the offers of support from family, friends and neighbors. Early in my mobilization, I wrote about Noah's birthday, and all the efforts of others to make his day special in my absence. I am reminded of that this week, as Amelia's birthday is just around the corner. The school year ends just shy of June 5th so she was able to choose a day this week to bring a treat to share with the class. While home on R&R, Amelia and I brainstormed most of the details for her birthday, down to asking my good friend Lisa if she would mind baking cookies for Amelia's class. She was all over it, and on Wednesday of this week- Lisa, Amelia and Betsy baked a bundle of snickerdoodles. I heard the baking was fun, and the cookies delicious but for me the sweetest part is that it is another touching example of those stepping in to be there for me, and for my family while I am deployed. Thank you Lisa, thank you all!

All the best this Memorial Day.



Pictures: Amelia and Betsy, Snickerdoodles!, Amelia and Lisa, Noah atop a truck in Grandview's Memorial Day Parade

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