Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


It has been an interesting week. The focus was on Friday, the scheduled "Day of Rage" for Iraq. Lots of speculation, lots of planning and an abundance of precaution for a day that ended up being relatively quiet. The "Day of Rage" was billed by organizers as an opportunity for all Iraqis to peacefully express dissatisfaction with a number of things; primarily government corruption, lack of essiential services (electricity and water), and high unemployment. As others jumped on the bandwagon, it took more of a secretarian flavor and opposition to the "occupation" got added too. The contradiction in title and intent only increased uncertainty as to what the day would bring.

Officially, we referred to it as "the day of planned protests," that sounded a bit better to me. Some fed on the uncertainty, and seemed almost optimistic about the chance for some excitement. Call me boring, but I was just hoping for a day where Iraqis could freely express disappointment and dissatisfaction in a fundamentally democratic way, without fear for their safety and without harm to the police and miltary forces assigned to keep the peace. In the end, the protests numbers were very low and although not always peaceful, in most cases the government's response seemed relatively controlled. My personal disappointment was the GOI's (Goverment of Iraq) harsh restrictions on press coverage and the leadership's encouragement for people to stay home. In the end, it is hard to say why the protests were small. Was it late calls to reschedule, some parties pulling their support for the demonstrations or ominous government warnings for citizens' safety?

Here on the NEC, everyone seemed exhausted by the end of Friday. The emotional highs and lows of anticipation and apprehension seemed to take the biggest toll. We limped into Saturday and are all ready for a new week. But, with the current state of unrest throughout the Middle East, who knows what this week will bring.

But here I am, another week closer to R&R. As I thought about it today, I realized that at this point, I might beat any mail I send home! That is a milestone of sorts- one I am happy to meet.



Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Cubicle with River Views

I moved offices this past week. As is to be expected with a drawdown of such magnitude- people are shifting around. The majority of our J9 front office staff are now based and working at Victory Base. That freed up their desk space,so in an effort to consolidate, my coworkers in the Energy Services Division (Oil,Gas,Electricity and Water) and I moved down the hall and now occupy some of their desks. For me, and my coworker Jill, that meant a move to a larger cubicle with two windows, each offering a beautiful view of the Tigris River and further out, the Babylon Hotel, framed by date palms on the NEC. When the sun shines- the Tigris shimmers, it is very pretty and admittedly, a temptation for daydreaming. I am going to have to figure out how to share a picture without comprimising security.

So the upside is a very nice cubicle and cube mate, the downside is the departure of many of my Navy shipmates. I miss some workday chats, and it is a little lonely at meal time but I am trying to focus on work and personal goals. That helps, but the biggest boost comes as the days till R&R are ticking off in somewhat rapid succession. In the past when I have gone away for "Navy stuff" I feel like I compartmentalize pretty well and just get on with it without too much preoccupation with home. At some point during the process, I would start to wonder what kind of Mom I am to be so comfortable away from the kids? But then, and I have been through this many times, the day before heading home I start to get really excited. Inevitably I am wide awake at four in the morning on the day of my departure, thinking of nothing but home. So over time, I have come to accept that this is my way of dealing with separation, and for me, it works. So I am a bit taken aback by my current obsession with R&R. My thoughts are completly preoccupied with going home and seeing family and friends. I have been like this for over a week and still have just under three weeks to go before I get on a plane to begin the long journey back to Ohio. I guess I am testing my tolerance for seperation with an eight month absence. It is time to head home for R&R!

My preparation for R&R has started to include list making. I will have fifteen full days to savour and my instict is to plan each one. But heeding the advice of the required Chaplain briefing for R&R, I am resisting my urge and trying to just make a few special engagements and then just enjoy the downtime. They include dressing up for a dinner date at a favorite restaurant with Adam, a day devoted to each Noah and Amelia, where they get to plan "their" day, and a much needed haircut! I am lucky that my trip will coincide with a few special things at school too. Have I mentioned that I can't wait?
So in the spirit of living in the present, I will tell you that I had a nice week highlighted by Valentine's Day. I took some teasing for the "Wall of Love", but it was clearly appreciated, as were all the Valentine' treats. Jill and Jen helped me put together two platters that we set out for all to enjoy. And for me personally, it was a nice day too. I am now sleeping with an adorable, pretty large, very soft puppy that Amelia sent me. Noah picked out a heart shaped box of mini reeses' cups and I got a thoughtful, kind valentine from Adam that I really appreciate. It is good to love and feel loved.

Hoping it was a good week at home too, and wishing you all the best this next week.



Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feeling the Love

No big adventures to report this week but one big accomplishment for me. On Friday I ran a 5K around the New Embassy Compound (2 laps); it was an MWR organized run in honor of Valentine's Day. With Embassy staff off on Fridays it was the equivalent of a Saturday morning race. We work on Friday's but my boss was kind enough to push our weekly Friday meeting back an hour so I could participate along with a few guys I work with.

I met up with my Navy LT friend Candace and a new running partner, Anne at 7:15am for a 7:30am start. It is a rough estimate, but I would say between 40-50 showed up for the run, and the free t-shirt. Our goal was to run negative splits, not too challenging since we always start slow on our runs and pick up as we go along. We met our goal and ran minutes faster than we do on our normal runs. But most importantly for me- I was pleased to discover that I still have a bit of a competitive running spirit left inside me. I was encouraged along by my Embassy Water colleague and friend, Eric, who ran in a gesture of support while nursing a knee injury and aching achilles. Feeling an old but familiar instict, I kept looking ahead and urged my running partners to keep picking off the next runner. It was fun, and having fun running is MY big accomplishment. Adam likes to refer to my high school running days as my glory days. Not to imply that he is not proud of me in other areas, and it is funny, but really, who wants their glory days to be from high school? Not me. While it is not saying much, I ended up 2nd, 12 seconds behind the first woman. I did make an effort to catch her but just didn't have it in me. Maybe a little speedwork needs to be in my future...

So while I am not quite loving running yet, love is in the air on the NEC. I received some great mail this week, including boxes full of treats and Valentines from Noah's Sixth Grade and Amelia's Third Grade Class. I spent sometime late this afternoon putting up a "wall of love" in our front office. Everyone will be feeling the love tomorrow! I enjoyed reading every single one and am grateful for the time the kids put into the project and the sentiments they so kindly expressed. My coworker Jill and I are going to put out one sweet spread tomorrow with all the edible "love" we have received. I know it will all be appreciated- thank you!

So as I start another week, Happy Valentine's Day from Baghdad.



Pictures: Eric and I after the run & breakfast, Valentine's from Amelia's class, Valentines from Noah's Sixth Grade. So sweet!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Flew the Coop!

I joined the birds and flew south this past week, escorting a State Department Officer visiting from DC; we were on a mission to learn about marsh restoration in southern Iraq. It was a short trip, down to Basrah Tuesday morning and back in Baghdad just before the sun set on Thursday. But boy was it nice to get away! The whole trip was educational and rewarding, highlighted by four helo rides, two fixed wing flights and an MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) convoy with a capable, entertaining crew. Numerous times I asked myself, "how cool is this?" I know that this and every other interesting experience here comes with a sacrifice, a sacrifice that sometimes weighs heavy in my heart, but not this time- I just felt like I might as well be on a recruiting poster and enjoyed the adventure of it all.

I woke on Tuesday to bright blue skies- it looked like a great day to fly! My first leg was a Huey flight from the NEC to the Baghdad Airport- the same airport that I landed at over 6 months ago. It was a short flight but it felt great to lift into the sky and see things from a new perspective. I sat next to the gunner, getting a super view of the city and of a road that I have travelled a few times by Rhino. Then it was a relatively quick transfer to a twin-engine turbo prop Dash 8 for the flight south. I felt an overwhelming satisfaction, and a newfound sense of freedom on that flight- it was so neat to see all that I have learned come to life. I brief about Iraq's extensive canal system but seeing it from the sky- it was eye-opening for me. There are roads here, but what was striking was the sheer number of canals- irrigation everywhere that far outnumbered roads. And where there is no irrigation- it is brown desert. Anyways...the Dash 8 is operated for the Embassy and flies a ring route a few days a week based on demand, picking up and dropping off passengers in a pretty expeditious fashion. Felt very old school, plane taxied just off the runway, dropped the door, pax got off and on, and we were on our way again. Nice way to travel. Our trip included two stops; COB Delta and then we got off in Talil followed by a 45 minute Huey ride east to COB Basrah. That ride was an unexpected surprise and gave us our first look at the marshes.

The PRT (Provincial Reconstruction Team) in Basrah had built us a robust itinerary that included a meeting that first afternoon with two Iraqis, one of whom was raised in the marshes. Their perspective provided a valuable foundation for what we learned and saw the next two days. And, they brought some Iraqi dates with them that were delicious. They have historically grown dates in this area of Iraq and have a lot of pride in their quality, and variety, but are working hard to revive the industry after years of neglect. Plain, or stuffed with nuts and rolled in sesame seeds- they were really, really good (I would like to have brought some back, but the only souvenir I have from my trip is a bruise around my hip bone from where my 9mm' holster rubbed for three days). I turned into the "Basrah Hilton" which at PRT Basrah means a "wet" CONEX box (outfitted trailer with built in bathroom) early that evening to get ready for an early morning MRAP trip into town on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday morning was drizzly and particularly cold for Basrah. Good thing MRAP’s don’t care about mud. We went to a local university and visited with a team of water professionals. They were very welcoming and eager to hear from us, this was their first visit from the PRT. They also appreciated a visit by someone from the Embassy, and Washington, and took the opportunity to share a couple of briefings with us. Although the proposed topic was the marshes, we had a lively discussion on other critical water issues affecting their region as well. I know it will all help me going forward. The guys from the 329 got us there and back without incident; I have included a picture of our crew minus the truck commander. Unbeknownst to the gunner and the guys in front, their Platoon Leader passed me the headset for a bit as we waited for a prolonged period at a security gate. Let’s just say that those Soldiers gave my old Sailors a run for their money in the communications department. They were a bit mortified when they realized I was on the net and were kind enough to offer apologies when we got back. Poor guys, they were kind of ambushed. They are just weeks from heading home and I wish them all the best.

Wednesday ended with a few more meetings at the PRT and another early night. By Thursday morning, the dreary skies had been replaced with sunshine- I was pleased as Thursday was our scheduled aerial tour of the Al Hawizah Marsh. We geared up and headed to the airport to meet 2 Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawks. We had coordinated a flight plan with the squadron and were able to wear headsets so we could communicate with the pilots and amongst each other. I flew with Ken who has been around Basrah for years. He was able to point out a lot of detail that I might have missed otherwise. We were airborne for about 1 hour and 45 minutes. The pilots kept us informed on what points we were crossing and were amenable to speeding up/down and changing altitude for us. Mostly we flew at 500 feet, giving us a great view. Although the marshes have been affected by years of drought, they were vibrant in areas, but it was clear that the indigenous marshland Iraqis that used to live in the marshes have migrated to the edges and now farm drained land as well as fish. The flight was amazing and an experience that I will treasure.

After grabbing lunch to go at a Turkish restaurant on base, we headed back to the airport to catch the Dash 8 for our return to Baghdad. Our route was not so direct this time. We had three stops, including the northern city of Erbil before heading back south to Baghdad. We did get to stretch our legs during a refueling in Kirkuk, and enjoyed a cookie courtesy of the USO. Then it was back in the air for 45 minutes. We landed and were quickly herded to rotating Hueys for our final leg back to the Embassy. The sun was starting to set, water shimmered in the distance, and everything had a pretty glow. This time I sat right behind the pilots. It was great watching them fly, and seeing their view out the front. Once again, I told myself how lucky I was. I also couldn’t help but think that helo pilots are pretty hot. Then I reminded myself that I married one- and, only 5 weeks till R&R. I can’t wait!



Pictures (top to bottom): My MRAP Crew from the 329, MRAP, UH-60 Black Hawk after disembarking, Beaming post Black Hawk trip with Ken, Out my window with a view of the Shatt Al Arab and one of the helos guns, Al Hawizah Marsh, last leg to the NEC on the Huey.

p.s. Fair winds and following seas to two of my favorite shipmates, Colin and Matt, who left the NEC Tuesday evening to begin their journey home. Both are active duty Surface Warfare Officers with promising futures. They are also my best bet for getting to cross the quarterdeck of a ship again- I look forward to it!