Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Cubicle with River Views

I moved offices this past week. As is to be expected with a drawdown of such magnitude- people are shifting around. The majority of our J9 front office staff are now based and working at Victory Base. That freed up their desk space,so in an effort to consolidate, my coworkers in the Energy Services Division (Oil,Gas,Electricity and Water) and I moved down the hall and now occupy some of their desks. For me, and my coworker Jill, that meant a move to a larger cubicle with two windows, each offering a beautiful view of the Tigris River and further out, the Babylon Hotel, framed by date palms on the NEC. When the sun shines- the Tigris shimmers, it is very pretty and admittedly, a temptation for daydreaming. I am going to have to figure out how to share a picture without comprimising security.

So the upside is a very nice cubicle and cube mate, the downside is the departure of many of my Navy shipmates. I miss some workday chats, and it is a little lonely at meal time but I am trying to focus on work and personal goals. That helps, but the biggest boost comes as the days till R&R are ticking off in somewhat rapid succession. In the past when I have gone away for "Navy stuff" I feel like I compartmentalize pretty well and just get on with it without too much preoccupation with home. At some point during the process, I would start to wonder what kind of Mom I am to be so comfortable away from the kids? But then, and I have been through this many times, the day before heading home I start to get really excited. Inevitably I am wide awake at four in the morning on the day of my departure, thinking of nothing but home. So over time, I have come to accept that this is my way of dealing with separation, and for me, it works. So I am a bit taken aback by my current obsession with R&R. My thoughts are completly preoccupied with going home and seeing family and friends. I have been like this for over a week and still have just under three weeks to go before I get on a plane to begin the long journey back to Ohio. I guess I am testing my tolerance for seperation with an eight month absence. It is time to head home for R&R!

My preparation for R&R has started to include list making. I will have fifteen full days to savour and my instict is to plan each one. But heeding the advice of the required Chaplain briefing for R&R, I am resisting my urge and trying to just make a few special engagements and then just enjoy the downtime. They include dressing up for a dinner date at a favorite restaurant with Adam, a day devoted to each Noah and Amelia, where they get to plan "their" day, and a much needed haircut! I am lucky that my trip will coincide with a few special things at school too. Have I mentioned that I can't wait?
So in the spirit of living in the present, I will tell you that I had a nice week highlighted by Valentine's Day. I took some teasing for the "Wall of Love", but it was clearly appreciated, as were all the Valentine' treats. Jill and Jen helped me put together two platters that we set out for all to enjoy. And for me personally, it was a nice day too. I am now sleeping with an adorable, pretty large, very soft puppy that Amelia sent me. Noah picked out a heart shaped box of mini reeses' cups and I got a thoughtful, kind valentine from Adam that I really appreciate. It is good to love and feel loved.

Hoping it was a good week at home too, and wishing you all the best this next week.




  1. We can't wait for your R & R also!
    See you soon!!!
    Love that wall of LOVE!

  2. You sound run-of-the-mill normal to me and I can think off a few reasons why this deployment is different from any other in your career. been keeping up with the news lately?
    Our kitchen remodel is coming to an end too, with our field trailer to be hauled away any day now. the crew can hardly wait. it does make time go a little bit more slowly when nothing is planned. love you a lot, you know.

  3. Sherri (YN1) LawrenceFriday, February 25, 2011

    CDR ~ Don't know if you remember me. YN1 Lawrence ... I was in your NPS unit at the NOSC Columbus and I was deployed in 2005 to Kuwait. Former Chief Babb (Maria) and I talk occassionally and your name came up. She saw you on the news one night and then I came upon your business site. Hope you are doing good and I KNOW you are looking forward to R&R. take care, Sherri

  4. Krista,
    I am excited that you have a time frame to look forward to as you continue to press on and tackle the daily work. I love your creativity and the ways you make your workplace enjoyable (and lovable!) for all. We miss you.
