Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feeling the Love

No big adventures to report this week but one big accomplishment for me. On Friday I ran a 5K around the New Embassy Compound (2 laps); it was an MWR organized run in honor of Valentine's Day. With Embassy staff off on Fridays it was the equivalent of a Saturday morning race. We work on Friday's but my boss was kind enough to push our weekly Friday meeting back an hour so I could participate along with a few guys I work with.

I met up with my Navy LT friend Candace and a new running partner, Anne at 7:15am for a 7:30am start. It is a rough estimate, but I would say between 40-50 showed up for the run, and the free t-shirt. Our goal was to run negative splits, not too challenging since we always start slow on our runs and pick up as we go along. We met our goal and ran minutes faster than we do on our normal runs. But most importantly for me- I was pleased to discover that I still have a bit of a competitive running spirit left inside me. I was encouraged along by my Embassy Water colleague and friend, Eric, who ran in a gesture of support while nursing a knee injury and aching achilles. Feeling an old but familiar instict, I kept looking ahead and urged my running partners to keep picking off the next runner. It was fun, and having fun running is MY big accomplishment. Adam likes to refer to my high school running days as my glory days. Not to imply that he is not proud of me in other areas, and it is funny, but really, who wants their glory days to be from high school? Not me. While it is not saying much, I ended up 2nd, 12 seconds behind the first woman. I did make an effort to catch her but just didn't have it in me. Maybe a little speedwork needs to be in my future...

So while I am not quite loving running yet, love is in the air on the NEC. I received some great mail this week, including boxes full of treats and Valentines from Noah's Sixth Grade and Amelia's Third Grade Class. I spent sometime late this afternoon putting up a "wall of love" in our front office. Everyone will be feeling the love tomorrow! I enjoyed reading every single one and am grateful for the time the kids put into the project and the sentiments they so kindly expressed. My coworker Jill and I are going to put out one sweet spread tomorrow with all the edible "love" we have received. I know it will all be appreciated- thank you!

So as I start another week, Happy Valentine's Day from Baghdad.



Pictures: Eric and I after the run & breakfast, Valentine's from Amelia's class, Valentines from Noah's Sixth Grade. So sweet!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day !!! I had a bridal shower this weekend and I did heart shaped sandwiches as part of our love theme shower.. You would have been proud!! It was a perfect little shower and I was so proud of myself. Yippie for running!! I would love to do a little run with you when you get home :o) Have a wonderful day!!

  2. Hi!!!! I'm a little late in posting. We went skiing all day Sunday and then I was swamped with V-day party prepping on Mon. Love all the Valentines from the kids classes. Congrats on the awesome race!!! You go girl! I finally started Insanity this morning. Day 1 down 59 to go. :) Probably won't be able to walk tomorrow.
    How many more days??? Can't wait to see you!
    Lots of love!

  3. I remember you talking about running and finding and picking off the next runner back in those 'glory days' - they were a lot of fun as I recall. It's funny to think of the Broadneck CC course being transported to Baghdad!

    I love the wall with all the stuff from the kids. I bet that brightened up some of your colleagues' days a lot this week. Take care!
