Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

New Friends

There are few shopping opportunities here on the New Embassy Compound. We have one small store, I would say it is a bit bigger than your average convienence store. With the exception of jewelry, baby, toys and clothing, it has most of the same sections as your local Target but the selection within the various "departments" is extremely, extremely limited. For a comparitive shopper like me, the shopping experience is a little lackluster and generally disappointing. The other day I had the chance to visit a nearby base which has a mini bazaar of local, meaning Iraqi run, shops. I appreciated the opportunity to browse a bit and was quite satisfied with my eventual purchases.

Later that afternoon my coworker Colin, who I particularly enjoy for his quick wit and good nature, stopped by my cubicle. I enthusiastically took the opportunity to share my newly acquired goods with him. I spread them out and started extolling the virtues of my purchases. Not getting quite the reaction I hoped for, I pointed out a few more things worthy of note. He gave me a sigh, a look, and then said something along the lines of, "you can't turn me into a girl you know." It was a funny and accurate observation. I packed up my purchases, tucked them away, and took note of one sad fact- I really miss my girl friends.

In the Navy, I have always been the minority sex, and really it has never been an issue. It has not been something to notice, you just do your job. But here, for whatever reason, it is a bit more striking. I am the only female in my department, and on further reflection, the only female officer that works full time in this building. There are many women that work for state or other agencies but my work space, and camouflage outfit with combat boots, separates me from them. Friendly smiles are exchanged in and out of the lone female restroom on our floor, but it would be kind of hard and desperate, to get to know someone at the restroom sink. I do have my roommate but we are on different schedules and different places in our lives. I last about an hour after work, or spin on spin nights, before collapsing in bed and closing my eyes until morning. She showers at night and stays up late, very late for me, and sleeps until the last possible moment in the morning. I am showered and gone before the CHU lights go on. Not a lot of overlap.

So enter my new friends: Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte. I never watched Sex and the City; I was just not interested at home. But here, they are filling a void, and during the past few weeks rarely a night has gone by that I have not watched an episode. For 24 minutes I enjoy walking the streets of NYC with them, occassionally having lunch or stopping by a trendy boutique. But, I do not watch for the Manolo Blahniks or Jimmy Choos- my fix is the easy banter and knowing looks exchanged among girl friends. My boxed set contains all the seasons so I am set for quite a while. And come November, I will not be the only woman in the office; another female Navy Commander (and Mom of four) is headed this way. Maybe I can bring out the bazaar purchases one more time.



p.s. Colin is a new Dad. His first child, an adorable baby girl, was born two months ago. He will meet her for the first time, in just under a month, when he goes home for R&R. Talk about personal and family sacrifice, he takes the cake.


  1. Krista,
    Sometimes a good TV show (and a burger!) can lift the spirits, as much of a cliche as that is. I haven't watched Sex in the City too many times, but I hear it's pretty funny. And if it's any consolation, I think my remotes are getting dusty... not sure why I bother to pay the cable bill :) Maybe you'll have to give me the cliff's notes! :P Happy viewing! -Emily

  2. Hi Krista,
    C'est bon marche pour vous! Tres Bien!

    I'd love to know whether you were showing off good deals on American (or American-like) products - or if you were buying local stuff...

    Glad you have those shows to watch. Sounds like a nice, relaxing and girly way to end the day. I must admit that when I lived in Japan and had a tough day, I watched reruns of Full House to relax. It was so dumb, and not nearly as interesting as Sex and the City, but the veg-time did me good (even though I'm embarrassed to admit that I ever watched that terrible show). - Christina
