Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mail Call

There comes a point here where you are not the new guy, but the guy in the know. I think I have officially reached that point. A good indicator is when you are a identified as a sponsor, my first sponsee arrived this week and although she is not working in my department, it feels good to offer someone the same assistance and advice that was offered to me when I arrived. I also have the opportunity to help people at work. My cubicle is positioned at the end of a central hallway so not only do I fulfill my Aquagirl duties but also act as the defacto receptionist for our section. It is not a cubicle most people would desire but I like the challenge of the random question and connecting people. Now, regardless of the question, I can pretty confidently point anyone in the right direction. It sure beats the out of sorts feeling I had when I first arrived.

I have also settled into another role, I am not sure what to call it, but Navy Spirit Coordinator might come close. With the Army-Navy football game coming up, I worked with LT Cadle to round up as many Navy folks as possible to film a short video spirit spot on Tuesday. We will submit it for airing and cross our fingers that it gets played during the game. With awesome Navy Chiefs coordinating some of the transportation, we had a pretty strong showing from three bases in the International Zone. We did our shoot at the famous Cross Swords monument. Nearby there is even an anchor which we incorporated in the video and took the opportunity to get some pictures at. Acknowledging that fun is measured on a different scale here, I would say that our spirit outing was a good time and a great display of Navy camraderie.

I also want to share with you that I received a record nine boxes this week. My friend and coworker from our time in Stuttgart Germany, Chief Wendy Brooks, sent a box of primarily "Made in Virginia" items along with a big ole pack of Red Vines. Everything was shared but the Red Vines have inspired me to organize a movie night. They are safely tucked away for now. And then the following day I came back from lunch to find eight, yes eight, boxes stacked on my desk. Now retired, Major Greg Cramer and his wife Lea (Adam's cousin) sent SEVEN boxes filled with a wonderful,random assortment of items including a letter I will treasure. Greg spent a tour in Fallujah, Iraq during the most challenging of times, and it is clear that he and Lea knew exactly what would be a hit. A small group gathered and the boxes were opened one by one; we made piles, distributed and then fortified the community shelf with all the remaining items. So thank you Wendy, Greg and Lea for your kindness and overwhelming generousity!

I am afraid if Greg saw our living and working conditions here on the Embassy Compound he would ask that it was all packed up and sent back. I am honored to serve here, but am humbled by those who have and continue to serve in locations far worse off, and far less safe. That, of course, includes Greg. And although I struggle with the sporadic violence that Iraqis face, it is clear that Iraq is a different place than in years past and benefitted from his service. Anyone that has been here in the past and returned, comments on the dramatic changes, changes for the better that indicate a developing economy and a return to normalicy. It is my hope that the government that was just announced this week will officially form in the next month and work for all of Iraq so they can improve upon what has started to develop after such sacrifice.

On a much lighter note, the ninth package... that was from Adam, Noah and Amelia; it included folders of schoolwork from the kids. I am a Mom that has always enjoyed seeing what comes home from school, so this was a great box. I loved going through their work and getting a chance to see what they are up to at school- really neat stuff that included two great report cards! That and two pairs of fuzzy socks from Adam to keep my feet warm at night.

Thanks for all the support from home. Despite my "decorator" instinct for having things in groupings of three, I appreciate those that validated my two goals mentioned in last week's post- I will gladly keep it at two for now. Take care.



p.s. Pictures include the record package day, Cross Swords monument at dusk, my coworkers and friends Vern, CDR Tom Barzee and LT Chris Cadle. Vern has honorary Navy status even though he is a faithful Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. Tom was my first Division Chief and a great friend. Sadly for me, he leaves this coming week but I wish him safe travels and the best at home.


  1. Just which side does an Army Brat cheer for? Easy - this year it is Navy all the way. XO from Wyo

  2. You've got spirit...S P I R I T spirit! You are the person for the job!'d they figure that one out??? They are all lucky to have you....we're all lucky to have you!!!
    Movie night must continue! I love it. :)
    Love you tons! Lisa
