Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I celebrated another first in Iraq this past week- my first day off! My boss said he did not want to see us in the office on Thanksgiving and I was happy to oblige. Anticipating a full day of rest, I celebrated by staying up late reading on Wednesday evening. Have to say though, I regretted the choice as I dragged a bit on Thursday.

Nonetheless, I pulled myself out of bed, took a shower and put on the only authorized alternative to my uniform- my Navy issued sweatsuit. This is a sweatsuit that would not look a bit out of place in a very outdated Runner's World- the thing screams 80's. So much so, that EVERYONE feels the need to comment on the look. It's bad, particularly the pants. Still, I put it on and ventured out of my CHU to a mini turf field where an organizational flag football game was rumored to be taking place. It just seemed like an appropriate activity to start my Thanksgiving Day off with. It was a slightly crisp, especially for Baghdad, day with beautiful blue skies. The game was very fun to watch. The crowd of bystanders was quite animated, so much so that it was another reminder that fun is relative here. It really does not take much to be quality entertaiment on the NEC. But, relative or not, I really did enjoy the game.

After the game, I stopped by what we call the "Grab and Go" and picked up a mini-sandwich to tide me over until the big Thanksgiving Meal. Although the Dining Facility (DFAC) was offering two seatings, my group had decided on the the start of the later seating at four pm. After a few hours spent relaxing alone, I met up my fellow diners just before four. I came prepared with a placemat sent from my Mother in Law, Sharon. It did a great job covering up my plastic tray and impressed my dinner companions. In addition to bringing my placemat, I also brought a very special surprise for my fellow diners. Amelia's whole class had written letters to "soldiers" on Veteran's Day and I passed them out at dinner. We enjoyed reading them, and were all touched by the effort her class went to.

With one small exception, instant mashed potatoes, dinner was fabulous. Our DFAC deservedly takes pride in their cooking and the ambience they provide. We lingered over the meal, reminding ourselves that it was a special meal and should not be rushed. Still, we were not home, and that was something that could not be made up for. There was some reminiscing around the table about where Thanksgiving would normally be spent, and for me that meant at Adam's Grandma Williams. I knew what I was missing, all the traditional dishes, particularly my Father-in-Law's mashed potatoes and a Williams' Family classic- chicken and noodles. The kids both raved about the chicken and noodles, and pumpkin pie when I caught up with them the next day. Even if I could not be home, there is comfort in hearing about the familiar, and I am so glad they enjoyed the holiday.

On Friday it was back to work, but rather than the normal paperwork, the day was spent moving. We have had lots of reorganization going on, for me that has included a new boss, and now, a new cubicle. Amazing how much one can amass in four months! It was a good chance to tidy, and with a lot of people pitching in, the day had a satisfying spring cleaning feel. Saturday is my normal half day but having spent Thursday off, I lingered at the office a bit later than usual for a Saturday afternoon. I spent a bit of early Saturday night enjoying the game "Catch Phrase" (I think...) with a few officers and then headed back to my CHU to follow a bit of the OSU-Michigan game before going to bed at half-time. I was delighted to wake up and see that OSU had finished the game strong. With Adam flying, Noah and Amelia had joined Lisa and the Jones Family for the game and an eventual sleepover. Lisa was kind enough to send me their pre-game O-H-I-O! which I am also sharing with you.

It is late, so I am going to say good night for now. Thanks to all for your special holiday wishes and prayers. I am thankful for each and every one.




  1. Happy Thanksgiving Krista! I'm glad you got to enjoy a some-what "traditional" type holiday!

    Love, Rachel

  2. Let the Shopping Season Begin! Any requests for you and your buddies? Don't be shy - speak up. From Let It Snow WYO XOXO

  3. I'm glad to hear that you were able to take a little break and relax and even watch a little football. The setting is unusual, but you did it right. Have you done any holiday decorating in the new space?

  4. Happy late Thanksgiving Krista! Went to IKEA yesterday and thought of you.. Can't wait for you to come home so we can take a trip.

    xo Katie P
