Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saying Goodbye

This week wrapped up on a bittersweet note. My coworker Terry climbed on the super reinforced bus, commonly referred to as the Rhino, this evening to begin his journey back home. Terry is one of three Navy guys to head home this week. I will miss all of them, they really helped me settle in, and over lunches,dinners and shared laughs at work- have become friends. So I am a bit sad but also happy for them as they return to their "normal" lives. And in fact, their return home means I am getting closer to mine. Hard to believe, but tomorrow I hit the 4 month mark; one-third of the way through my deployment!

The goodbyes here are made easier by the daily hellos to home. It is a constant that I look forward to and has helped me remain on solid footing here. Sometimes it is just a quick chat, and sometimes I can linger a bit, but both make me feel connected and I am grateful for that. Today I got to hear all about the Holiday Bazaar from Amelia as she jumped on the trampoline. Despite the vocal modulation, it was a super update. Noah filled me in on the Ohio State - Iowa game, I got a play by play of the winning drive. Of course, I was able to chat about the game too because that is the first thing I check on Sunday mornings. It is normally with relief that I see they won, and know that Noah and Adam (and the Buckeyes) had a good game day Saturday.

There is one thing I wanted to share this week that was out of the ordinary. I got to take a short drive to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier monument. I was among a small group that was able to accompany one of our Brigadier Generals on a tour. The tour was neat, I have included a picture of me standing inside the monument. It was dark and dusty inside (no power) but the flash does a pretty good job of getting me and the center of the monument. I wish I could have gotten better interior shots but since it was looted during the invasion, there is not too much to see. You can tell it was very impressive at one time. The top of the structure provides great views of the city. All that was nice but by far the highlight of the visit was a short "concert" by the Iraqi Defense Forces band. They played the Iraq National Anthem as well as a few traditional and original pieces, however I was most touched (goosebumps and all...) by their playing of our National Anthem to start the concert off. It was a very thoughtful gesture and provided another memorable moment to add to my collection.

As we approach Thanksgiving, I want to wish all a lovely holiday and meal; hopefully shared with family and friends. Our DFAC is decked out in autumnal colors and an abundance of decorations for the occasion. No doubt that we will be served a wonderful holiday meal. And although I will really miss sitting at the same table with those I love, I am so grateful for the love and support of so many from home, including strangers, throughout this experience. It is a bountiful life I am living, even in Iraq.



p.s. Also pictured is my friend Colin. He makes me laugh for many reasons, one of which is his ability to do a pretty awesome Napolean Dynamite impression. Colin will be around for a couple more months before I have to say goodbye.


  1. Military life sets one up for transitory interpersonal relationships, making one's own family the main focus, which can have very positive results, as in your case. Like your cooks there, I will be cooking and serving the staff and patients on Thursday, which will be a rewarding day for me. Thinking of you, as always, from snow on the ground and below zero temps in WYO, and bright sunshine too, so it is beautiful. XO

  2. hi just want to say happy thanksgiving, and thank-you for helping to keep our country safe. Thank-you for taking time away from your family to do this. You are in our prayers and thoughts every day. God Bless you Lois hindes

  3. hey aqua girl, i MISS you! ♥

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, a little late. My mom was in NY with us and we thought of you several times. One time, you'll be sorry to be reminded, was when one of my kids thought the container of turkey grease was something they ought to try to eat. Remember the "applesauce" you had the misfortune to try once? Take care, we miss you!
