Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hug by Mail...

Early on I developed milestones for each day. They go like this: wake up and look forward to getting to work to check e-mail, look forward to lunch, look forward to mail call after lunch, look forward to calling home before the kids go to school, look forward to dinner, look forward to spin/workout and look forward to bed! I know, a lot of "looking forward" but I find that it makes the days go really fast. And, it is not all about what is next, I try hard to capture special moments and feel enjoyment in the present. I think of Jim and Pam from "The Office" taking mental pictures during their wedding and I try to do the same. Sometimes it is a really hearty laugh with my shipmates, or like today- playing flag football as helos flew over the field. I want to remember those times here, it definately beats focusing on the loneliness that comes with such a long seperation from family and friends.

I feel really connected to home but I miss physical connection. I had not really thought about that loss but it feels strange to not have a hug or get to hold a hand in so very long (although I have snagged a few good hugs as coworkers/friends depart.) So, I thank you for all the thoughtful cards, and packages that have been streaming in these past two weeks! Mailcall has been extra fun, and as I went through a box I received today filled with lovely cards and sweet packages from friends and neighbors, I felt a BIG hug of sorts- and I really appreciated it. The little packages have all been placed under my tree, they will stay there until Christmas day, they are a special "look forward to!" Hard to believe it is less than a week away. I feel like it was just last week that I was hugging the Thanksgiving Turkey outside the DFAC- on reflection that was a pretty desperate hug!

We receive the Armed Forces Network here, and there are many holiday salutes right now- consistently they offer special thanks for protecting our country, for our service overseas and to our families for their sacrifice during the holidays. In my small role here, it is hard to see how I am "protecting" you but I can absolutely relate to being seperated from what I hold dear- so I gratefully accept the warm wishes. But, I want to say thank you too. Thanks to family, friends, neighbors and even strangers for taking the time to think of me and my fellow soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines. I know that your lives are full and filled with the ordinary things that make life hum along at home and it makes your efforts all the more touching.




  1. Just wait until someone touches you and it elicits teers. The power of the laying on of the hands cure, the love is a warm puppy, contact with a plant. Anything will do, just ask Harold the Happy Camel! We're having a year-end baby boom at the hospital and when I come in contact with the parents and the newborn I think what will the world have in store for them. Thanks for the hug. Right back atcha from wishing for a white X-mas, Love WYO

  2. P.S. Never imagined I'd get a free postage letter, postmarked from the U.S. Embassy Baghdad. Auntie WYO

  3. Big hugs from your friends in Albany, NY!
    I must admit that before you were there, and your blog communicated so well how it would be to be separated from family for so long - I didn't really pay as much attention to all the calls to support the men and women serving as I should have. It's different now. Your beautifully written posts have made it very real, and as you know I have been so impressed with your efforts to bring some home there (the space arranging, Christmas decorations etc. House Beautiful - Baghdad Edition!) We'll be thinking of you and your family on Christmas - and I'll raise a glass (of Diet Coke, of course) on New Years, too. Love, Christina

  4. As my kids were happily bragging about their Christmas presents today - I remembered how I could never do that with you. You always knew what I was getting before I did. Unfortunately,while I have inherited my dad's inability to wrap, I haven't found the neighbor kids I can pay to do all the work for me. Gotta work on that. I hope you had a good day - and that your kids did, too. Take care, C

  5. Merry Christmas from Hawaii. You can give my wife a hug for the holidays - I'm sure you both need one! Tell her it's from me.
