Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

I just said farewell to another shipmate; I watched LT Cadle step on the rhino and begin his journey home. It was a bittersweet moment to end an otherwise pretty upbeat week. Christmas spirit was definitely in the air here on the New Embassy Compound. By the 23rd, it was hard to pass someone on the sidewalk without getting a “Merry Christmas” and a smile, particularly from the State Department folks who did not officially have work from Christmas Eve through today. In our office, we amped up the holiday spirit by having two movie nights; just after eight pm, we fired up some popcorn and watched “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” and “Elf.” And then on Christmas Eve we had a “Holiday Happy Hour and a Half” party.

Admittedly, I had something to do with organizing the party, but it was a group effort with all of us hoarding treats that came in by mail (thank you), and then combining them to create quite a spread for all of J9 and some special guests to enjoy. Two stations: hot chocolate/cider and sweet/savory were set-up with “A Christmas Story” playing on the big screen. Our centerpiece was a gingerbread house that my co-worker Jill’s daughter sent. It came in kit form, Jill and I spent a portion of Thursday afternoon putting it together and decorating it. We even had to overcome some structural engineering challenges, but overcome we did- fixing a cracked wall and a broken roof, and still managing to keep it all together! At the Happy Hour, Santa hats were abundant and I must say- it was a pretty cheerful environment considering all guests were far from home with loved ones on their mind. The evening was topped off by a visit from Santa and Mrs. Clause. Lots of pictures were taken in front of the Christmas tree, the same tree that CAPT Ahern so kindly left for me. After calls to home, I headed back to my CHU and opened the many packages surrounding my tree, with exception of those from Adam and the kids, and then happily sunk into bed.

I woke Christmas morning to find some lovely e-mails waiting in my box. Some reported seeing me on TV- turns out that the holiday greeting I made in November was played in radio form, and also aired on several evening news broadcasts. For a few days in November and December, the media folks set-up cameras and welcomed any passer-by to tape a holiday shout-out. Very few seemed to take them up on their offer but I was happy to give them a little business and appreciated the opportunity to say hello. I must say that I did not quite realize just how much play it would get!

Back to Christmas morning…after a leisurely morning I grabbed an quick bite to eat and headed to the turf field for our Holiday Bowl (now known as Motrin Bowl) for what I thought would be a fun game of flag football. And, it was fun, but it was a pretty hard hitting, highly contested game of flag football. I went in on defense, mostly trying to keep up with a player on the offense to block a pass. There was only one close call, I was outrun, but fortunately the ball was just out of reach of the receiver. My real shining moment came when my General and I collided as we both ran from opposite sides of the field to grab a flag of the quarterback who had decided to run up the middle. Neither of us got a flag, and I ended up taking the General’s nose to the top of my forehead. I don’t think anyone really knew or saw what happened, but I heard a horrible crack that I figured was either my head or his face. But I stayed standing and he went down, coming up with a bad bloody nose. Turns out I AM hard-headed! I stayed in for a couple more plays but that was the last drive for me! My fun meter was pegged with the realization that you could get really hurt playing flag football. The General is very tough though; after a short break he went back in for a few more plays. My team came out victorious, 7-0, but it was tense till the end.

Besides a sore spot on my forehead, the rest of the day was much more pleasant. I joined my boss and co-workers for Christmas dinner at the DFAC in the afternoon (Santa even made an appearance) and then late in the afternoon I was able to Skype with Adam, Noah, Amelia, my Mom and Adam’s Dad as they opened presents. It was a little blurry but I was just grateful to be there in some form! I headed back to the DFAC for another meal with the Navy crew later that evening and then finished the day watching “The Holiday” with a few friends. Adam and the kids spent their Christmas evening with the Jones family. So thank you to family and friends for all your efforts to make this holiday special for me, and for my family. When I think about the magnitude of your thoughtfulness, I feel very blessed.

So now, with Christmas just past, I look forward to 2011. I feel like I have cleared some emotional hurdles with the holidays behind, and in March I will head home for R&R (Rest and Relaxation). I am really excited to spend time with Adam and the kids, and for a chance to see friends too. So, on I continue, one week at a time…




  1. Cheers friend! Onward to 2011! Everyone on this end sending love and good cheer. Loved reading about your Christmas abroad and seeing the photos. Gingerbread house looks very festive and sturdy. Everything looked well placed at the table. ;)
    I hope our package made it there in time for movie night. Is there any way you could make real popcorn if I sent you some??? Maybe you talk the awesome cooks into making some for the next movie night??? You know I can't stand the thought of you eating microwave popcorn! hahaha!
    All our best to the General...and his nose.

  2. Remember me telling you what my father said? He did not want his girls playing sports, because they would get hurt. That was his voice of experience; his football injury knee among others. Almost every ache from what I can tell now, relates to an injury from my lifetime of amateur sporting. Meanwhile, keep having fun. You and family, friends, and coworkers all look happy and healthy-great pics. Looking forward to the new year. Waiting for snow in big wonderful WYO. XOXOXO

  3. I am sorry about your collision with the General - probably not the smoothest career (or football) move ever, but I'm glad that everybody survived without major injury! It reminded me of the time in Japan I was cleaning up a flower pot that had tipped over on my porch and thoughtlessly dumped the dirt and flower remains over the side of the porch, right onto the school president's head! Like I am sure you did, I apologized like crazy - though I bowed where you might have saluted. (I will say that some of my coworkers cheered me on when I told them the story later-I'm sure your coworkers were just happy that you weren't hurt more severely).

    I'm so glad to hear about all the other Christmas activities there and the Skype with the family. I'm sure they were glad to have you there-even beamed in! The pictures look great. I hope that 2011 is the happiest of years for you. Take care my friend!
