Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Nine in a row for Navy!

I am a bit wiped again this week, but I will attribute it to a very late last night spent watching a sloppy, but effective, NAVY team BEAT ARMY! I made it to halftime before calling it a night. I felt fairly confident that Navy would come out on top and was happy to see the final score of 31-17 when I woke up this morning.

United States Forces-Iraq is an Army centric command, support is provided by the Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force but the majority of the senior leadership and troops are Army personnel. This past week we have endured good natured ribbing from our Army colleagues, and in our regular Commanding General brief yesterday, the Commander's Comments at the end consisted of two points. The first point was in reference to an earlier portion of the brief, the second point was "Beat Navy". So victory is sweet. I am fairly confident that in tomorrow's comments, the CG will offer a congratulations to us Navy folks, deservedly so!

Now for an update that is job related. It is raining! It has been a very dry fall for Northern Iraq. That can have very dire consequences for the winter crops, particularly wheat, and the overall water flow in the Tigris which affects downstream users. In passing to a "what's up" offered in the hall last week by my General, I offered "not much Sir, but it is very dry up North. We could use a rain dance." In return he did a pretty good moonwalk, especially for being on carpet. And what do you know- it is raining, pouring actually. Each drop feels like a gift. We won't know for a couple days how much rain they got up North for the farmers' fields, but rain here probably means snow in the Mountains of Northern Iraq and Turkey. And of course, when that snow melts in the spring, it will get added to the rivers and flow downstream where it is badly needed. So fingers crossed, or as the Iraqis say, inshallah(God willing), the rains will continue.

Back on the homefront the Christmas season is in full swing. I received a very enthusiastic review of Ballet Met's Nutcracker. Adam, Noah and Amelia, together with Adam's Mom Sharon and husband Tom, joined the Mattingly family last night to watch Georgia perform the starring role of Clara. I am sorry to have missed it but was delighted to hear how much they all enjoyed her performance. I also got to see the family Christmas tree, via Skype, all decorated and lit. Amelia "walked" me around the tree pointing out special ornaments of interest from years past. It looks beautiful!

Here in Baghdad, I am playing a new role as Santa's helper. I am putting my skills as a personal shopper to use, gently guiding coworkers anxious to send their wives something special for Christmas. It has been fun, and a great vicarious shopping experience for me! I had a little "Christmas Operation Station" open in the office, but with the mailing deadline passed, it is now closed- only online ordering at this point.

I wish you all a wonderful week. For you, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! And here in Iraq- let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!




  1. Hooray for the home team. Right On Right On Right on. Shop 'till you drop. Keep on keepin on, and whatever the youngins' are sayin' today and last, but not least, look out for the hackers, as my CPU seems to be on the I say, or there is so much activity goin' on that all is slowed down and crashin'. Meanwhile, let it snow, let it rain and I am dancing as much as I can for a sixty year old yearling from WYO. XO to you and yours as always.

  2. Go Navy for sure! As a lifelong fan, even though I am not directly Navy-connected anymore, a win in that game always makes me smile. I am glad it made your week - and you get to maybe, just a little, rib some of those army guys.

    Hooray for rain too! Good crops make for happier folks, I expect, and I know it makes my favorite water-officer and champion shopping helper happy, too.

    Take care of yourself!
