Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Cheer

December is here and it is starting to look a lot like Christmas on the NEC. On Thursday afternoon, the Ambassador "lit" the Christmas tree in the lobby of the Embassy, and then that evening, lights came on all over the NEC. We had watched the maintenance guys string lights for days in advance. It was kind of funny in a Christmas Vacation way, and kind of horrifying as a tax payer, to see the number of buildings they draped with icicle lights, heck, even the date palms are wrapped in lights. No one can accuse them of not trying to spread a little Christmas cheer!

I have also done some decorating. I put a sweet little tree in my CHU and even hung a little bouquet of bulbs. The office is decorated too, drawers of seasonal decorations were emptied and the office was quickly transformed. Trees and ornaments are up, lights line the cubicle walls and stockings have been hung. There are other signs too, like long lines at the Post Office as mailing deadlines loom. But the best touch so far has been receiving a thick envelope of cards from Mrs. Pharion's class at Amelia's school. The kids each sent me a card with their favorite "holiday thought". From building snowmen with siblings to drinking cocoa while snuggled with family by the tree- they were sweet and from the heart. I love them and have them on my desk, available to flip through anytime.

Not surprisingly, many choose the holidays for R&R so the number of people on the NEC seems to have thinned a bit. My State Department colleague has just returned after spending Thanksgiving at home and my Spin Instructor is currently on his R&R. Because of my stellar attendance record, he asked me to fill in for him while he is gone. I have really taken to leading the class and hope I can sub for him in the future, we have a few regulars and have even picked up a couple new students. Between Spin and the recent adoption of Saturday Game Night, I now have a few regularly scheduled non-work related breaks that should help keep me sane. Add a movie night here and there and life might be as close to normal as possible when so far away from family and friends.

I hope you enjoy and embrace your traditions this holiday; I am thinking of you at home with a satisfaction of knowing what I will get to take part in next year. And as Noah reminded me, I will be there in a way this year- he is planning a marathon skype session Christmas morning.

Certainly this year will be different but I continue to be so touched by the efforts of so many to ensure we know our time here is appreciated by those at home. Thank you.




  1. I can't believe it. You have more Christmas decorations up than we do. I can't say I'm too surprised - you always did like the holidays...I'm glad to hear that they spent the time and money on all those lights. That's a good investment from this taxpayer's point of view! I was interested in your comment about the long lines at the post office: Are people there doing shopping at the PX and shipping their gifts?

    Take care and have some mercy on those poor spinners!


  2. I thought of you this weekend as we were putting up our tree and I took the pickle ornament that you gave me from Germany and hide it in our tree in hopes of a couple of extra gifts from Santa this year :o) Thinking of you and can't wait for you to come home.

    xo Katie P

  3. Love the decorations Krista! Great re-use of the RH box. :)
    I see a future in the spinning instruction! I'd come to your class. We could probably fit a few more bikes in your basement. :)
    Miss you tons and think you are amazing!!!!!!
    XXXOOO Love and hugs from everyone on this end!


  4. Hi Krista. Gregor and I are thinking of you. Christmas won't be the same without you here. I went with Amelia, Tom and Sharon on the "santa train" last week. She was so excited! It was great fun. She and I rode the horses a few times before the really cold weather set in. She's a great rider, reminds me of Adam at her age. We were talking about missing you and her class making the cards they sent. We agreed that it is special to have a mom who is a hero for her country. You are in our hearts and we look forward to your safe return. Keep the water flowing! Love, Jo and Gregor

  5. The rage here this year is the Charlie Brown X-mas tree. You know, just a twig of a tree with one lone red bulb hanging. One little three year old boy told his Grandma that he didn't think that was a very good tree. He knows nothing of Charlie Brown. It got a smile from me. bah humbug from WYO
