Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bye Bye Dave!

There is not a whole lot to report this week. It was busy early in the week but really slowed down by Friday. The Embassy had a three day weekend and have been off Friday through Sunday, so it has been pretty quiet for the past few days in our building. The timing was perfect with two big activities on Friday. One being the nuptials of William and Catherine and the other being an acoustic Toby Keith concert on the adjacent base.

Both were taking place about the same time so I had to choose which to attend. Although I was aware that the wedding was coming up- really I did not feel a sense of excitement until I woke on Friday morning. The weather was beautiful here, it felt like a perfect wedding day, so my mind was made up- I would "attend" the wedding. We have a bank of clocks in the office; with help from my friend Dave- we reset the clock to London time and labeled it the "Royal Wedding Clock." We are two hours ahead of England so it was easy to watch all the activities throughout the day. We put out a platter of English biscuits- ok, really Girl Scout Cookies, and enjoyed tea- iced tea from the Green Bean (our on-base coffee shop). Lots of improvising in Baghdad! We have a wall mounted tv that normally plays BBC on mute so that was easy; we turned off the mute and turned up the volume, we were ready for the big event. There was lots of eye rolling from the guys but it was pretty fun for a Friday at work, and even if they weren't into the wedding, they were into the cookies!

The Toby Keith acoustic set got great reviews and I couldn't help having a tinge of regret for choosing the wedding, particularly when I could have watched it all online after, but it was only a tinge and I did have a super day watching it all live. We get the occasional musician, but more often, it is NFL cheerleaders and comedians that stop by. In Baghdad, these MWR or USO sponsored events normally happen at the larger Victory Base but in this case, Toby Keith was kind enough to do a short set here in the International Zone and then a larger concert with his band Friday night on the big base. Country fans or not, everyone that went loved it and appreciated his enthusiasm.

On Saturday night, we had a planned social outing (pizza on base) for my Army colleague and friend, Dave. Dave has worked with the Treasury folks at the Embassy; he is a Comptroller for the Army and has been hard at work here figuring out all kinds of implications of the Iraqi budget. He has been part of a small Army contingent that always seemed to enjoy time at the Navy table during chow. Meal time is definitely our social time and as our numbers have dwindled- there really is not a "Navy" table anymore but we sit together a lot and he is always willing to chat, share a joke, and a smile. I will really miss him but am happy that he is heading home to his girlfriend Whitney, and his four kids.

As I get closer and closer to July, I am able to imagine me getting ready to go. It is a pretty nice feeling. But for now, I am keeping to my routine and taking it day by day. Still buoyed by the morning calls home, correspondence from friends, and grateful for the friendships here.



Pictures- Baghdad and Royal Wedding time, my friend and colleague Dave

1 comment:

  1. Just knew the romantic event planner in you would choose the royal hoopla and you know where this music lover would have been. Believe it or not, we have two large sceen TVs in the kitchen, (to watch the cooking shows), and I avoided even taking a peek, but did give into the media later that night while lounging before lights-out. Hmmm, a little much for me, but I did have the thought that it would be of interest to be in the royal kitchen. Plenty of heavy winds here lately too, along with bright sunshine, rolling clouds and a few minutes ago a brief hail. No dust storms, just axle deep mud on the unpaved roads. Love from your WYO Townie...XOXOXO
