Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

George Rossy

On Friday, our Commanding General took a moment at the end of a brief to remind all to remember Mother's Day and offered the "Moms" in theatre a special shout-out in advance of today's holiday. It was thoughtful recognition of our sacrifice, and that of our children at home. I once referred to this year as my "Mom Sabbatical," and while it is true that I have wholeheartedly embraced skipping dishes and laundry, it is also true that I really miss taking care of my family and sometimes can't shake the physical ache that comes with missing them.

But I have found ways to feed my soul by nurturing in, and from, Baghdad. Little things like making those Easter Baskets, bringing my cube mate Jill breakfast, hosting our girl movie night, or setting up the occasional "party" for my J9 family. All feels very appreciated and there was some really nice recognition for us Moms today. Lots of "Happy Mother's Day" from our male coworkers, a little gift waiting on Jill's and my chair from a kind gentleman that works down the hall, a card from a colleague's spouse and church and a candlelit dinner at the DFAC with a rose for each Mom. We will have to remember to be as sweet on Father's Day!

I am particularly grateful to have my colleague and friend Jill to share "Mom" stuff with. Being in earshot of each other's calls home, we can both give a pretty solid summary of each other's children's lives. Jill's girls are in college and her son will soon graduate from high school. Jill heads on R&R later this week and will be home for Brandon's graduation. We commiserate with each other on the fears that accompany not physically being home or a part of their daily lives. Jill's son has started to drive so her phone calls are peppered with reminders to wear seat belts, not to drive through water and of course, keep off the phone! My calls home in the morning too frequently end with "don't forget your helmet" and "watch out for cars." I have learned that it takes a leap of faith to mother from afar; I certainly now have a little more understanding and patience for my own Mom's concerns.

By coincidence, just this week, Jill and I were treated to watching a ruffled baby bird go from perched in his nest, to standing perilously at the edge, and then finally taking flight. We actually missed the flight part and arrived to work one morning to find his nest empty. It caused some anxiety around the office- well, anxiety in our office! But George Rossy, named by my State colleague Eric and Amelia, made his way back to the nest, putting our minds at ease. His Mom seems comfortable just stopping by for the occasional regurgitation. And to think, we were willing her back every time he stepped to the edge of that nest! We readily admitted that we could learn a little from our morning dove and his Mom, but it is easier said than done.

So let me end with a big "Happy Mother's Day" to my Mom Vicki, to Adam's Mom Sharon and to my fellow Moms at home taking it one day at a time. I am not suggesting anyone enjoy the dishes, but definitely enjoy the hugs!


  1. To do dishes and pots and pans beneficially, one gets into the zen of it, which is my mode. Most of the things we worry about never happen and more importantly moms, a person needs to be told something three times before it even gets through the basic thinKing process. Meanwhile, back at the WYO ranch I listened to the May Day news and said YES and then reflected on how that may have been the first time I have felt elation upon hearing of such a thing and it brings me closer to understanding how one can feel that way, whether I like it or not. So thanks for the big birds and hugs all around....XOXOXOXO

  2. Happy Mother's Day Krista!!! Looking forward to catching up with you when you get home..

    xoxoox Katie P

  3. Happy Mother's Day!!!! day late! Great post. I too have been watching the incubation, birth and nail bitting first flight of some morning doves right from my desk. They are back for a second year and we are on our second batch of babies. I just saw one of them poke a head out! There are two of them again. I suspect yours will be back to lay more eggs soon as they tend to have three or four batches. No matter how many times I watch them leave the nest for the first time I still get nervous and look for them...just like with our kids!!! Love you and miss you tons!!!

  4. Sorry this is so late Krista, Happy Mother's Day!You are truly an inspiration to me!

    Sending you lots of hugs and kisses!
