Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Final Stretch

Another week down. This past one went fast, I am busy with a few projects so the days are flying by. But as fast as the time is moving, I am noticing a weariness that has started to accompany the passing weeks. Over ten months into my mobilization, I am definitely less patient, not with things like standing in line at the DFAC, but with people. My tolerance level seems to be dropping markedly. Recently, I recall someone saying how tired people look by the time they go- I don't think my energy level, or hopefully my appearance, reflects this but my attitude is starting to.

Really it has been a good year. Thinking about some of the things I have done- it has been such an amazing, once in a lifetime (should be) opportunity. Eye opening in some areas and reaffirming in others. A lot of time alone, spent reflecting where I come from, what I am doing, and where I am going in the future. If I saw things in black and white before, I am now seeing gray. At home there is not so much time to think and I am grateful for the mid-life reflection.

Adam and the kids have done so well, I am so proud, but I can hear the same weariness in his voice and words. Even with amazing support at home, single parenting is getting old. A year is a long time.

With all that said, I am going to work hard to embrace the last two months and make the most of it. Maybe writing the words down will be enough to snap out of this funk. I will let you know.



1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, a normal, stressed out warrior; what goes up must come down, over and over... Not good to make light of it and writing it here is a start, next seek out a listening post, eat, drink, and be merry and sign up for a weekly massage. Your health is your priority, and it is the same for all of us stateside. Your communications have been cathartic for me and when it comes to people and patience, best that I not even go there girl. Wonderful WYO awaits you...XOXOXOXOX
