Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Last week I wrote about the predictable warm weather, and as if someone heard me and flipped a switch, the weather changed abruptly on Monday. I watched out my window on Monday afternoon, seeing the wind pick up and the visibility decrease as the air became foggy with dust. This was followed by a short spell of the "mud rain" I mentioned in my last post. I walked outside a couple of hours later, the wind had finally settled but the temperature had dropped at least twenty degrees. It felt wonderful! Most of the week was markedly cooler, a welcome change. But while the temperature went down, my workload increased as a presentation for the Commanding General was moved to this week. I have put in some long hours and expect to do the same for days to come, but I am excited for the opportunity to brief the CG.

On Wednesday the US Navy celebrated its 235th Birthday! The Dining Facility Manager graciously offered to make us a cake and as you can see it the picture above- the Baker did a great job. I helped gather the Navy personnel stationed on the New Embassy Compound for a brief ceremony that included a cake cutting by the oldest and youngest naval officer present, a few comments by one of our Captains and an off-key, but rousing, rendition of the first verse of Anchors Aweigh. We ended with a hearty "Beat Army" in keeping with the good natured rivalry that exists between the services-particularly the Army and Navy. Our Navy identity sometimes feels a bit lost while wearing the Army Combat Uniform but we Navy types are proudly displaying the Navy's "Don't Tread on Me" patch on our left shoulder. I myself have come to enjoy this uniform- particularly the many pockets which function better than a purse. A few "shipmates" I can think of did not make the picture but we were joined by a few from an adjacent base. It was a nice opportunity to get together and made Wednesday's lunch special. Actually all day there were a lot of "happy birthdays" exchanged in the hallway. Navy pride is alive and well here.

I have a little side project this coming week that I know will make some of you smile. I took on organizing an upcoming "Hail and Farewell" for my directorate- J9. These are monthly events where we get together to introduce, hail, the new folks and farewell those headed home. They are more commonly referred to as "Hail and Bail" since you go (mandatory) and then leave as soon as possible. The senior leadership would like to see people hang out a bit and socialize a little. I accepted the challenge and themed our upcoming gathering as a college tailgate with appropriate fare. College football is a welcome diversion on the weekend, and much talked about, so I think I may have found some commonality to bring this diverse group together. Time will tell.

And now, back to work.



1 comment:

  1. Happy BD Squabie, Work hard, socialize, and maybe catch a few zzzzs. What more can a woman ask for?
