Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Grill Night

With the exception of one dinner outside of the Embassy Compound, I am afraid that there is not much of significance to report this week. I think because I have developed such a routine, it is pretty easy to identify things that stand out. None I can think of this past week. And maybe that is not a bad thing, especially here. Quiet is good. Just makes it hard to come up with something to share. So how about we talk about what one often turns to when in need of a topic of conversation- the weather.

The daily high dipped below 100 degrees Fahrenheit this past Wednesday. In general the mornings have started to cool, what a nice change to make it to work before starting to sweat. August was pretty brutal and it carried well into September. A thermometer is posted outside of the Dining Facility and I cannot think of a day it was below 110 during August or September as we headed into lunch. All that heat makes it hard to imagine cooler days ahead but I have been promised that come November, or December at the latest- I will need to take out my army issued fleece zip-up. I am looking forward to it! But I have also been assured that the rain will come- and walking back from dinner tonight they described the rain as mud rain. Apparently the rain mixes with the many dust particles in the air and creates "mud rain." Fortunately the army also issued me a rain coat!

When I spoke to Adam today, Amelia and her friend Mabel were in the yard creating a leaf pile. They have an established fall tradition that involves jumping into giant piles of leaves. And although Adam reports that today is unseasonably warm in Columbus, just the thought of the girls raking and jumping into leaves is enough to bring me the feeling of fall. Another indicator is the trickle of halloween candy that has started to arrive. One of the young Army Captains(O3) that I work with is single and his Mother supplies a steady stream of treats. Just this past week she sent a box of Cheryl's Cookies (Columbus based) and then days later- a big box of halloween candy. Chris surprised us all, leaving treat bags on our desks that his Mother had prepared. I have mentioned the community shelf before, but in addition to the community food shelf there is also a large filing cabinet- each drawer filled with seasonal decorations. And in my cubicle, there are two big boxes- a christmas tree and a wreath left for me by my mentor and friend, CAPT Ahern. So despite the steady heat and predictable blue skies, the seasons and accompanying holidays of home will be celebrated, just celebrated Baghdad style.

On Thursday night a group from my office went "out" for dinner. The occasion was a farewell dinner for one of my Division co-workers. We enjoyed Grill Night at a nearby compound, even eating outside under the palm trees and a few visible stars. And although it may be a bit hard to see, I am posing with my dessert, a very pretty flan. Of course, before someone leaves, someone normally arrives to replace them and that means that I am no longer the new person. I have felt established for quite some time, but still, it is nice to lose the "new person" title. With Halloween approaching a new title might stick- Water Witch was jokingly (I think) proposed as an alternative to Aquagirl. They better watch out- I bet I can find a hat and a broom in one of those drawers!




  1. HI Krista!!!
    The flan looks that I know what it is. I looks like a begal at first glance. :) Thinking of you every time I look up into the beautiful trees and fall sky. Am I allowed to send you leaves...I'm thinking no...bummer!!! Always love the updates! XXOO

  2. Dessert looks good, and the thought of you having a nice dinner under the stars is even better! "Mud rain" and 110 degrees, however, maybe not so nice...I'm glad enough time has passed that you're no longer the new kid....

    I love the updates. It's great to see how you're doing each week. Take care!

  3. Hey Short Drink of Water, I was issued a fleece jacket this week too. It's to wear out to our mobile kitchen, which will be parked in the lot outside of our real kitchen, which is getting a major remodel in DECEMBER, when the snow will be blowing, the lot will be icy, the temps below zero. Maybe your food supplier contractor would like to hire me. Guess I'll count my lucky stars and let you make the big bucks. Pretty sure a spa vacation is in our future. Love from your Wyoming Kitchen Wench

  4. Wow, my sweet baby girl with dessert in one hand and a big gun in the other, just what every Mother pictures!
