Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Another Week Down

As I sit down to write, I am reflecting on a pretty busy, effective week. With government formation complete, we are reconnecting with our Government of Iraq contacts and forging ahead with our relationship. For me, that means accelerated work on a few projects. My workload will also pick up a bit with my State Department colleague heading out of town shortly to meet his wife for a weeklong vacation. We are fortunate to have a great working relationship and in the past I have been able to provide more robust support to the Embassy in his absence. I am sure it will be the same this trip too.

As was widely reported, we had a visit by Vice President Biden this past week. He met with senior Government of Iraq officials and USF-I leadership but not on the New Embassy Compound. There was a marked increase in activity for a VP visit, and a definite buzz in the air, but no real impact for me. Joan Jett and Kellie Pickler also visited this week, but they were also at nearby Victory Base where the majority of our Baghdad troops are located. This is the norm for morale visits, which makes sense, since they are troop centric. It is ok with me- if pushed to choose, I will gladly take the paved roads, sidewalks and other amenities the NEC offers over a USO visit.

My morale has also been lifted by some regular runs with my Navy LT friend, Candace. We are slow and steady but really happy to have gotten in three runs. I feel like I am making some good progress on my previously announced goals and that is leaving me feeling rather fulfilled this week.

So, as I sign off after an uneventful, but satisfying week, I just want to end by saying thanks for all the support and encouragement!




  1. Don't know who Joan and Kellie are, but I will find out and see if I want to know more. I do know who Joe is. Probably a combo of your life right now, but there is a lot of the new year blahs going around. Someone at work said that I was grumpier than usual, which made me laugh because it was not me who was in a funk, but the other person. The preliminary remodel work in the kitchen is now ready for the major activity to happen this week and for the next six weeks or so. I am will to bet a dollar to a doughnut that we are in for major snow storms, ice, wind, and hail because we will be treking back and forth to the parking lot field kitchen. I love change and WYO weather and will carry on. You too, cupcake...XXXOOO

  2. Each day is a day closer to home. Your R and R will be here before you know it. Gregor and I are keeping you in our thoughts and can't wait to see you again. Love, Aunt Jo
