Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Watch Out!

Another week down, and officially at my half way point as of today! I suppose it would be a good time to reflect on my first six months in theatre. It has been an experience. I have gone from feeling very unsettled with the start of each new phase to now feeling very rooted at the Embassy. Often I recognize, and am recognized, with a smile as I walk to and fro. It feels nice to be connected in a way, even though it is all very temporary. I have learned to take care of myself in a way that I do not always do at home. I have become a more conscious eater and exerciser and am now confident that I will go home stronger, and healthier despite the inevitable stress of separation. Even though it is outside of work, it sure feels like an achievement in itself. The finish line is going home, and although it is a most desirable end point, I mark my days, weeks and months with small milestones. I don’t want to lose sight of the special moments here, within this experience, by only focusing on my departure date. I have seen others take that path, and I can tell you that they don’t smile much.

With that philosophy in mind, I have also seized most reasonable opportunities for fun. Flag football games (player to spectator), game nights, the occasional movie night, and a new one this week- golfing on the Embassy green. On the way back from lunch on Friday, I noticed they were setting up what looked like a fairway (marked by orange construction cones) with one pin at the end. Speakers for music, a popcorn maker and a few nets for swing practice were set up alongside. Periodic glances out the window clued me in to what seemed like a start of something. It took a few walks around the office trying to recruit someone to join me, for what I wasn’t totally sure, but it looked like sanctioned fun. Jason, from our Personnel Security Detachment, joined me and we headed out. Turns out it was a contest- 5 balls, closest shot to the pin would win. Hmmm, don’t really know how to golf and generally putter out on the 12th hole of putt putt. But it was a beautiful day, and I was out of the office for a bit. Jason gave me some tips, and after about a dozen tries in the practice net, I could almost consistently hit the ball off the tee. That was progress.

We took our place in line, me with a six iron (I think) and watched as about twenty others took their turns. My goal was to hit the ball; a swing and a miss was going to be a little embarrassing. Well, I did hit the ball, all five, and pretty hard too but four hooked left and one puttered early. There were enough seasoned golfers around that the “gallery” was warned each time I struck the ball. I definitely had the potential to take someone out but fortunately did not. It wasn’t pretty, but it was fun, and I have learned that is enough here in Baghdad. It was enough to make my day, and in this case, a unique memory to mark another week down.

Love to all at home,



  1. FORE!!!!!!
    Congrats on your half way mark. From now on you are more than half way home. :)
    Just trying to stay warm here. 10 degrees! brrrrrrrr...George took the kids skiing...I chose to sit this one out. I'd rather do laundry inside than subject myself to those temps.
    Have a great week!
    Love and hugs, Lisa

  2. Interesting is the word the nutritional services staff is using to describe the now fully under way kitchen remodel. I worked way too hard and too fast and got a minor, but bleeding injury the last hour of the week. Then my feet slipped right out from under me in my own driveway and I was grateful for my skiing experience and slid out just like I was going down an icy slope. For the good part, I have the next ten days off! Your grandfather, Bud would be thrilled that the military has finally gotten you to golf. A whole new world awaits you and the women's golf clothing line has gotten to be almost cool and will look great on your figure, which of course is the most important thing, as you know presentation is what it is all about. Keep your eye on the ball dear one. Love as always WYO XOXOXO

  3. Yeah for half way done!! That is awesome!! We hit up the outlets on Saturday and I thought of you as I walked around Pottery Barn searching for goodies. Looking forward to catching up with you when you return. Have a wonderful week..

    xoxoxo Katie P
