Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Movie Night

Our week-ends are not traditional week-ends here but Saturday night seemed like a fitting evening for a movie, so I pre-popped some popcorn at work and brought out a large selection of movie candy my Mom sent- all in preparation for a screening of “Inception.” Once my guests were in place, we started the movie. There is not a lot of early plot development in this film; it starts off quick. It is a movie that you (hopefully, me- barely) figure out as it goes along. And although I generally choose lighter cinematic fare- I was committed to enjoying the usual escape from reality that a film typically affords. So there we were, just a few minutes in, when things start blowing up on screen. Simultaneously our duck and cover alarm sounded. There went the escape…it was all too real with the sound and vibration of two rockets impacting within a mere ten seconds or so. There are no injuries to report, but it put a damper on the evening for sure. A rude jolt back to reality, yes, we are in Iraq.

It has been quiet lately, very quiet really, but the familiar alarm and accompanying thud never fail to change the pattern of my heartbeat. With the exception of taking cover- really there is nothing you can do. It will land where it lands. And that makes those few seconds between alarm and impact almost unbearable. I should include, that it does not always land- sometimes you hear the alarm and then nothing… crickets. Perhaps it was a false track or just impacted too far away to hear. In all cases, eventually my heart rate returns to normal and I carry on.

But what is most disturbing to me is the random nature of the attacks. In the past I have generally associated the word “random” with random kindness; something I am happy to be the cause, or recipient of. This random is not kind though. It puts me off balance, and for someone that likes control- that is a pretty uncomfortable feeling. Of course, life everywhere is full of random things, good and bad. Normally I can find the bright side. It is hard to find the bright side of a rocket. Well, after a few moments of thought- one positive might be on the job training for the EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) guys. Still, I am down on rockets.

My coping skills include working out (thank goodness for endorphins), laughing with coworkers (a laugh feels great), and the daily reach back to home. I think all are contributing to keeping me balanced but this place does start to take a toll. I am very excited to have my R&R in sight and that is what I am choosing to focus on.

As for the next movie night- it will probably be a chick flick!




  1. Three cheers for a chic flick!!!! And may it be a relaxing night for all of you.
    Miss you and love you tons!!!

  2. I like to think along the lines of numerical coincidence when it comes to figuring what's up. Last night I was thinking that it had been quiet in your neighborhood and had free floating anxiety, which is from knowing that you are in a tough situation. Nothing random about that. Also thinking of you when the Girl Scouts announced the other day that the cookie sales are about to begin and wondering if thin mints would melt in shipment to you. Have you been thinking of cookies too? I choose the hard core action, drama, and stand-up comedy flixs for my catharsis. We have more sparkling snow and subzero temps. Remember to practice deep breathing. Ohmmmmmm from WYO XO

  3. I am thinking that a chic flick sounds great! balance...keeping sight of the upcoming R and R....I am praying for these things for you. love and miss you!
