Thanks to Steph Evans for taking this and many other pictures just days before I left. She sent me packing with wonderful images of the kids, and of us together. Only hiccup- Adam had to fly! When I am home for r&r we hope she can get us all together. Anyways...thank you Steph!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Sliver of Gold

I woke this morning to the call to prayer. The wind must have been just right, it was before five am, and loud enough to wake me from a deep slumber. Once I was awake, I decided to make a visit to the female bathroom next door to my CHU. When I went outside I was greeted by the prettiest moon. It has been overcast and raining the last day and a half, but there was a perfect gap in the clouds framing the moon. It was just a sliver, a very petite moon, but in a beautiful shade of gold with a soft glow of white around the edges. It made the early morning wake-up worthwhile. I tucked myself back in bed and eventually fell back to sleep after the call to prayer ended. Sunday morning is our “sleep- in” morning, I was grateful the alarm was not set and there would be no hurry to get up.

I was up a little past eight. After spending some time reading the latest news, I decided to take a short run. I took a loop around the NEC (1.7 miles), just one lap, and then a quick lift at the gym. I did a load of laundry, tidied my CHU, took a leisurely shower, and read a bit before heading to an early lunch. It was a nice, relaxing morning.

This past week was pretty uneventful for me. But it is another week down, and now I am just 6 weeks from returning home for R&R. January has flown by! And speaking of flying, I will do a little travelling this week. It will be nice to get off the Compound. I promise to share all the details next Sunday.



p.s. The pictures are compliments of gentleman here that does IT training. They are all taken here in the IZ. I am happy to be able to share them with you.


  1. Fantastic photos. Sunday lay-in for me too, only awoke to the sound of the city cat-bladers scraping ice and snow from the steets. The last couple of hours I have been doing a COMPLETE system restore on my CPU, as it was dead-in-the-water. Now it is back to it's original factory settings state, which gives me the chance to review everything. OK, good thing I have just had a week off and have another couple of days before I am back in the kitchen. The next six weeks will fly by for you and it is so much fun to have your incredible family reunion to look forward to. Love Uknowwho

  2. Hello,
    Uneventful is good! It's great that you could take a minute to appreciate the moon--even if it was at 5 am! We're socked in with that big storm that went across the country -- quite a bit different from your surroundings. I took a snow day today, as my son's daycare was closed for the first time in 20 years (it's a Federal day care that serves military personnel, so they almost never close). It was a nice day off, especially after a string of working weekends etc. I'm back to normal now, so you'll be hearing from me more often again.

    Take care,
